In the difficult times that we are living in, adapting to the ‘new normal’ hasn’t been easy for anyone. The lack of enthusiasm in the online classes i...
6 min read
Despite the growth of science and technology in India and elsewhere, pseudoscience has unfortunately made a resounding comeback in recent years, espec...
5 min read
India’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index 2020 stands at 142 out of 180 countries. Is it a good time to ask why Journalism is a dangerous pursu...
4 min read
As India’s top central university admitting over 19000 students coming from distinct socio-economic backgrounds – the onus of being fair, considerate...
7 min read
Fiction is not as far from the truth as you think. The Met Gala was scheduled to take place in May 2024 in New York, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art...
6 min read
“If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?” A term that was derided and abandoned a decade ago has come roaring back to life...
4 min read
We cherish the luxuries provided to us, but this luxury and status, the sense of security as Maslow puts forward in his Hierarchy, often comes with pr...
8 min read
Jamia Millia Islamia University has been disloyal to students ever since the COVID-19 pandemic. Even after the re-opening of other universities in the...
5 min read
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the world, and is, therefore, one of the major causes of concern in public health. India has sadly be...
4 min read
It has been more than a year since the digital dimension took over. We were about to resume our previous normal lives when the pandemic decided to int...
5 min read
Nationalism, according to the Oxford dictionary refers to a feeling of love and pride in your country; but in India, Nationalism has demonstrated many...
8 min read
The renovated form of the memorial park, that held within it, scenes of one of the bloodiest massacres in British history, was inaugurated by the prim...
7 min read
Fiction often portrays characters as Black or White. This is especially true for early cinema and literature, where heroes were perfectly good knights...
7 min read
The University Grants Commission has been a big player in higher education in India since 1956. It was set up with the aim to “report on Indian univer...
5 min read
When was the last time you saw a short, chubby male with a little belly as a fashion model? Most probably never, the reason being- these men do not fi...
3 min read
Have you ever wondered about the origins of fairy tales that usually begin with “Once upon a time” and shape our “happily ever after”? The magical, ad...
9 min read
To pose such a portentous question as the above, could be only attributed to a cynic, who does not view God in the proper perspective. It could stem f...
4 min read
“I cannot hold a glass as my hands are unsteady due to Parkinson’s”, Swamy had stated in an application. It is even more outrageous that he was even d...
5 min read
Alike criminalizing marital rape, the right to abort has been a long-fought debate. Essentially any law, capable of providing a safety net and reward ...
6 min read
The elections are approaching, and our country is sinking deeper into the swamp of hatred and communalism. Since the conference in Haridwar, where hun...
5 min read
Media culture is influential enough to shape popular socio-political opinions on a global scale. Far from compelling media houses to churn out genuine...
7 min read
If there is one shadow that looms dark over the architecture or even the whole geography of Kashmir, it is the ingrained conflict, rooted deep in its ...
5 min read
For several decades, Hollywood and other media companies around the world presented Muslims in faulty and biased ways. These depictions frequently str...
5 min read
As our days pass on with us in our self-quarantine, our minds have began travelling to long lost memories and the longing to go back in time is on an ...
4 min read
Presently, France is going through a period of pernicious political debate, remarkably since the decapitating of teacher Samuel Paty for sharing caric...
6 min read
A thought that makes life the liveliest is the idea of ‘memento mori’ which means ‘Remember that you must die.’ The fact that mortality is the ultimat...
5 min read
One understands the condition we are in but to see the ministers taking no cognizance of the awful situation of our education system is heart wrenchin...
6 min read
Since last many days, a hundred and eighty nations square measure within the same line of threat by the fateful Coronavirus pandemic or the COVID-19. ...
8 min read
in the current political environment, anti-muslim bigotry and Islamophobia have become persuasive features of the world. I guess, we have become so us...
6 min read
“Bipolar is like being on a roller coaster ride. Sometimes you can predict drop-offs and others you just have to hang on because the next turn sends y...
6 min read
On December 15th, 2019, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), a prominent central university in New Delhi, witnessed one of the most tragic and violent incident...
12 min read
To what extent will a group of incredibly beautiful, young women parading a glamorous stage in their glitzy dresses empower a hesitant 14-year old min...
6 min read
Teachers are God’s blessings for us. Throughout a student’s life, they multitask to fill many shoes, including those of a friend, a mentor, or a paren...
5 min read
With the global political landscape plunged in a battle within itself, the trope of indifference and indecision towards current affairs is unacceptabl...
4 min read
Rape is a deeply rooted societal issue often silenced by stigma, yet it demands urgent discussion and action. While society universally condemns the a...
6 min read
The year 2020 began a bleak note, with an obscure virus (SARS-CoV-2) fanning out through countries quickly, carrying the entire world to a stop. We as...
4 min read
With the total world population nearing a whopping 8 billion and declining resources like food, water, shelter, land and so on, the current definition...
6 min read
The year of 2020 was filled with unprecedented events throughout the world, out of which out stood the global health disaster- medically termed as the...
10 min read
“For each according to his abilities. To each according to his needs,” said Karl Marx, the architect of the communist revolution that swept across con...
4 min read
It is one thing to put emotions and ideas on paper, it is a different thing to pass that paper to others. In primary school, we used to submit our ess...
5 min read
Some four months ago, Jamia Millia Islamia decided to finally open in the offline mode after being online for more than two years. This became a reali...
6 min read
The biggest criticism Apple has been facing now days is that the company has stopped innovating, but the R&D spending and patents tell a different sto...
6 min read
The Indian youth currently faces a major problem. With unemployment rates at all-time highs, college graduates are going through a hard time finding e...
6 min read
While much of urban India has developed a lot in the past decade, rural India, especially rural Bihar has been barely a part of this growth story....
4 min read
Terrorist? Anti-modern? A presage to western values? Oppressive? Or the oppressed? These are the first notions that come to one’s mind while watching ...
6 min read
Model United Nations uses an exciting concept of mock debate, inviting the younger generation to participate in and offer their insights on world affa...
5 min read
Abhay Singh, an alumnus of IIT Bombay and former aerospace engineer, has garnered significant attention at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj, earn...
6 min read
Studies and politics are diametrically opposite attributes. A student is expected to commit his time and attention to education, rather than involving...
4 min read
Islam, the second most followed religion in the world, is one of the religions of monotheistic Abrahamic faith. The religion that started with a forty...
7 min read
At a time when nationalism is used as a tool to silent the critical voices, it is important to revoke the poetry of resistance where it sheds its usua...
4 min read
We all have digressed from our usual patterns. Reduced social interaction and contact, lesser activity, and prolonged periods of isolation have wreake...
5 min read
Out of various social qualities that human beings possess, one pertains to the art of comparison. We always try to achieve more; it is when we start c...
5 min read
An interesting concept arising out of religions, especially Abrahamic ones, is that there is a giant God-shaped hole inside of us that can only be fil...
5 min read
An acute incident occurred at Rau’s IAS Study Circle in Delhi in July 2024, resulting in three students drowning due to basement flooding because of i...
5 min read
Advocate Shahid Azmi, whose work centred on seeking to redress the injustices suffered by Muslim youth who were falsely implicated in criminal cases, ...
6 min read
As a part of global society, India is not exempt from being influenced by the changes that all major social media platforms are being pressured to und...
10 min read
Choosing to remain deaf to the ongoing political revolutions in the country doesn’t make you apolitical but in turn puts you on the side of the oppres...
5 min read
The blatant display of islamophobia by the prominent nations across the world comes to the notice of all, gets outrage by few. The targeting of the on...
4 min read
The protest culture all across the globe is witnessing surreal responses and participation from the millennials. The ubiquitous anti-state protestors ...
6 min read
“Religion is never the problem; it’s the people who use it to gain power.” said Julian Casablancas, aptly picturing the current status of the world. M...
4 min read
Humans starve and hunt for beauty in the world that surrounds them. We crave it, and we need it psychologically. We delve into aesthetics to find mean...
6 min read
The digital economy has been getting a lot of attention, with increasingly strong headlines offering apocalyptic as well as breathtakingly exciting sc...
3 min read
India is a republic. The term ‘republic’ indicates that a country is considered a “public matter”, not the private concern or property of its rulers. ...
4 min read
Men’s Rights Activism has morphed into something of a backlash against feminism as opposed to its intrinsic intentions of curbing structural discrimin...
6 min read
Ever since Greta Gerwig announced the making of the Barbie movie, the world seems to have turned pink. The film hit the Indian theatres on the 21st of...
4 min read
I recently watched “Maharaj” on Netflix, which compelled me to draw attention to the ungodly nature of self-proclaimed godmen and their material gains...
4 min read
The newly launched Gen Z is already trapped in the crest and trough of the social, political, economical and emotional undercurrents of life. Yet they...
5 min read
In the era of globalisation, it is indeed a reality that no nation can remain isolated and still survive. The increasing aspirations of the people for...
4 min read
Scroll, add to cart, pay, and check out. And just like that, someone has made their tenth purchase of the day. But let’s be honest: the heart wants mo...
7 min read
Having a rough week, stuck in your cubicle and tuning in to your playlist to accomplish those sad hours? Well, we all have been through such a tough p...
5 min read
A recent study about the hike in Child Pornography viewership during Quarantine makes us think about the fetishization of young women in pop culture. ...
5 min read
India has a terrible habit of pitting its children against each other from a very early age. Our successes, as well as our failures, are compared. It ...
7 min read
When the country is ruled by fanatics, where any and every action is a sitting duck and one question against the authority could lead to an assassinat...
8 min read
A new trend emerges everyday on social media. However, some exceptional ones manage to rule the reign for a longer period of time. The song ‘Badaam Ba...
4 min read
The protests at Shaheen Bagh are a defining moment in the history of India, and in the formation of the image of the marginalised Indian-Muslim women ...
7 min read
It is said that we create our own demons. How much truth does this expression hold as far as Artificial Intelligence is concerned? Just like all of ma...
7 min read
Owing to the adverse effects of ongoing hazards, the response in action developed strange similarities between generations that were miles apart. Gene...
5 min read
Have you ever come across thoughts like these- “How long do I need to wait for flying cars or a transparent smartphone? Will there be fleets of flying...
5 min read
If you are someone who is into bookstagram or booktube, then Colleen Hoover is no new name for you. She has been writing novels for a decade, but it’s...
5 min read
As another day passes with the ongoing struggle to even protest, some questions would normally arise in a half sane mind. Something on the lines of wh...
4 min read
In a recent interview, a sex worker from Kolkata requested men to visit them instead of indulging in the barbaric act of raping and assaulting others ...
5 min read
India has become the worst hit country by the coronavirus in the world. On May 9, India reported 403 thousand cases, highest ever reported in the worl...
4 min read
Almost everyone has, at one point in their lives, wanted to be famous. It is a side-effect of the human condition: the need to be seen, recognized and...
5 min read
On the eve of independence, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru very eloquently highlighted India’s tryst with destiny. “It is fitting that at this solemn...
4 min read
In many situations we try to perform actions in a way which do not harm others or are beneficial to them. This is called moral consideration. Moral co...
7 min read
The dawn of the new millennium has thrown up a plethora of new career opportunities that were hitherto unknown to us. They have made the task of choos...
4 min read
The Indian subcontinent comprises the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka and is home to more than 1.8 bil...
5 min read
Mental Health Awareness has to spring from grassroots. Students in school should be talked to about it, they should be told that sometimes the inside ...
4 min read
Below the scintillating cerulean and violets, a steam train runs over a bridge, which stands above a river with an old sailing ship; whilst a familiar...
7 min read
While engaging in discussions about injustice and oppression, what should be given due importance: the facts or the tone? Does the tone provide signif...
4 min read
As students navigating through a thriving university culture, we grow and so do our expectations. This grab-bag of opportunities and the meta space fo...
6 min read
COVID-19 has only exposed India’s miserable healthcare system, which has been long existing before the pandemic hit India. The negligence in making he...
5 min read
“The first feminist was born the day the patriarchy was created.” With poems like “kyunki main ladki hoon, mujhe padhna hai” and a feminist version o...
3 min read
When your government with a track record of systematically attacking universities, scrapping institutional autonomy and stifling freedom of speech and...
10 min read
Our country has been able to uproot various social evils and stigmas on a bigger or smaller scale. In an era where sex is normalised as a natural phen...
5 min read
Beauty standards are applied to everyone, but they are especially difficult to attain for those who don’t naturally fit them. Most of the people canno...
4 min read
“Newspapers always excite curiosity. No one ever lay down one without a feeling of disappointment,” said Charles Lamb. It is the art of generating cur...
4 min read
The extremes of humanity have always fascinated people. In this endless pursuit of longevity, ageing stands as a Brobdingnagian obstacle. Medical scie...
6 min read
Masrat Zahra, a 26-year-old photojournalist in Kashmir, has been booked under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, an anti-terror law that carries ...
5 min read
While the whole world, including India, faces the crisis of COVID-19, Delhi Police arrested another anti-CAA activist from Jamia Millia Islamia. This ...
6 min read
Do you ever wonder why almost every book you come across is a ‘#1 New York Times bestseller’? The New York Times bestselling list is one of the most p...
4 min read
This article warns that “the hectic pace of modern life has a detrimental effect on the human spirit.” Modern man has no time to spend free time in th...
4 min read
The concept of poverty porn, also called development porn or famine porn, first originated in the 1980s, an era of immense charity campaigns. The prac...
4 min read
With a rise in the ‘aesthetic’ cult of Instagram, we are seen to be moving towards a more beautified social media. New-age Instagram users are taking ...
4 min read