The Jamia Review
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Babra Shafiqi

Stats4 Articles / 25 Minutes

Author was too shy to give a bio

How the War Overshadows a Pandemic

How the War Overshadows a Pandemic

The year of 2020 was filled with unprecedented events throughout the world, out of which out stood the global health disaster- medically termed as the...

10 min read

Electoral Politics in the Capital

Electoral Politics in the Capital

As the recent elections became an important catalyst in the agenda that pushed the various political parties in the run, the need to better understand...

5 min read

A Midnight Consultation

A Midnight Consultation

As another day passes with the ongoing struggle to even protest, some questions would normally arise in a half sane mind. Something on the lines of wh...

4 min read

The Agents of Pessimism in the State of Control

The Agents of Pessimism in the State of Control

The wave of intolerance that has taken over the country is a definitive product of the fake news culture. This way of thinking is further pushed forwa...

6 min read