The Jamia Review
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K R Swathi

Stats7 Articles / 35 Minutes

K. R. Swathi is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia.

Why the US Teacher Shortage Crisis is a Warning Bell for the Indian Education System

Why the US Teacher Shortage Crisis is a Warning Bell for the Indian Education System

Teachers are God’s blessings for us. Throughout a student’s life, they multitask to fill many shoes, including those of a friend, a mentor, or a paren...

5 min read

The Silver Screen Battles: Why Bollywood is being Boycotted

The Silver Screen Battles: Why Bollywood is being Boycotted

Media has always been a means of bringing pertinent issues to the forefront, thus influencing public sentiment. Films, in particular, have the power t...

5 min read

A House on Fire: The Looming Threat of the Global Climate Crisis

A House on Fire: The Looming Threat of the Global Climate Crisis

Back in our school days, we were made to believe that planting a tree on our birthday, or biking instead of using a car, can help us “save” our enviro...

5 min read

The Good, the Bad, and the Dank: How Memes Shape Popular Culture

The Good, the Bad, and the Dank: How Memes Shape Popular Culture

As part of the times of the internet, memes have seamlessly become a part of routine life, seeping gradually into our day-to-day vernacular. Some extr...

5 min read

The Sound of Magic: Music as a Means of Therapy

The Sound of Magic: Music as a Means of Therapy

I have always been an avid lover of music. Having been raised in a musical family, I have spent my days singing and listening to music across genres a...

5 min read

Brave New World: Exploring Space in Popular Culture

Brave New World: Exploring Space in Popular Culture

The world was transforming rapidly in the nineties. For the first time, Space technology had reached as far as Jupiter. The 1995 Pixar classic ‘Toy St...

5 min read

The Death of Westland

The Death of Westland

The second month of 2022 started with confusion for loyal readers, as upon receiving the news of Amazon deciding to shut down Westland Books on 01 Feb...

5 min read