The Jamia Review
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Sidra Fatima

Stats8 Articles / 45 Minutes

Sidra Fatima is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia.

Anti-Shia Hysteria turned Genocide

Anti-Shia Hysteria turned Genocide

Dr. Ali Haider, who resided on Gulberg Road, was leaving his son off at school on the morning of 18 February 2013, when he was stopped by four men rid...

7 min read

Westernisation: The Unobtrusive Decay of Indian Folklore

Westernisation: The Unobtrusive Decay of Indian Folklore

Westernisation is a term used to signify the course of reception of the western culture, style, language, and methods of reasoning. Westernisation has...

6 min read

Palestine: A Successful Erasure?

Palestine: A Successful Erasure?

The plight of the Palestinians cannot be settled if we keep overlooking it, neither can it be solved if we choose to recognize Israel and cooperate wi...

6 min read

Pegasus: Onset of a Bigger Agenda

Pegasus: Onset of a Bigger Agenda

Pegasus is a spyware that helps spies hack into phones and access any personal information or location of any individual. It is developed by NSO Group...

7 min read

Father Stan Swamy: Natural Death or Custodial Murder?

Father Stan Swamy: Natural Death or Custodial Murder?

“I cannot hold a glass as my hands are unsteady due to Parkinson’s”, Swamy had stated in an application. It is even more outrageous that he was even d...

5 min read

Does Freedom of Speech include criticism of the Government?

Does Freedom of Speech include criticism of the Government?

Freedom of expression has been humanity’s yearning in times ancient and modern. Freedom of speech and expression occupies a very high position in the ...

4 min read

General O’Dyer: Civil Service Officer or Murderer?

General O’Dyer: Civil Service Officer or Murderer?

Soon after the villagers gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh, Dyer arrived with his troops and opened fire on almost 10,000 unarmed people, which include...

5 min read



On 25th February 2021, we lost another one of our daughters, Ayesha, to suicide. We failed yet again to protect our own from the evil clutch of dowry....

5 min read