Syed Mohammad Ali is a student pursuing Economics from Jamia Millia Islamia.
On October 6th, the Indian Penal Code completed 161 years of its enactment. This was the codification of definitions of crimes and determination of th...
7 min read
It was a cold winter morning in Delhi on 26th November 2021, the Prime Minister of India was addressing dignitaries in the central hall of Parliament ...
7 min read
Nationalism, according to the Oxford dictionary refers to a feeling of love and pride in your country; but in India, Nationalism has demonstrated many...
8 min read
On the 26th day of November 1949, the newly formed democracy of India adopted its constitution and on the very first page under Article 1(1), it was i...
6 min read
The morning of February 1, 2021 was a usual one for the citizens of Myanmar until they came across an announcement on state television that the govern...
9 min read
Meer Mohammad Taqi or commonly ‘Meer‘ is one of the most celebrated Urdu poets of all time. Often referred to as ‘khuda-e-suqan’ (The God Poetry) ‘Mee...
9 min read