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As students navigating through a thriving university culture, we grow and so do our expectations. This grab-bag of opportunities and the meta space fo...
6 min read
Barbadian pop sensation Rihanna on Tuesday became one of the first global personalities to back the protesting farmers in India, and was followed by c...
5 min read
As India’s top central university admitting over 19000 students coming from distinct socio-economic backgrounds – the onus of being fair, considerate...
7 min read
India’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index 2020 stands at 142 out of 180 countries. Is it a good time to ask why Journalism is a dangerous pursu...
4 min read
With a rise in the ‘aesthetic’ cult of Instagram, we are seen to be moving towards a more beautified social media. New-age Instagram users are taking ...
4 min read
Scattered across Kenya‘s rift valley, women of Umoja come from separate Samburu villages, yet they share one common feature: all of them are victims o...
6 min read
Rediscovering the Empress who broke all conventions through her piercing intellect and gallantry which made her contribution to the greatest empire of...
4 min read
The recent streak of protests in the varsity, provided a centre for nationwide movement against CAA and proposed NRC, but apart from the augmentation ...
5 min read
The very ‘guardians of law’ took a monstrous form in Uttar Pradesh as the police maneuvered in establishing a soul stirring example of brutality by ta...
5 min read
India is seeing an innovative revival amid the anti-CAA and anti-NRC protests. This time, Art has taken the forefront in this nationwide agitation aga...
5 min read
In the amnesic archives of history, you would come across the journey of these women who, now branded as mere prostitutes, were once the embodiment of...
5 min read
Media plays a crucial role in politics as it influences public opinion and helps define and take up the issues. It can keep the powerful in check and ...
5 min read
We can do better than soaps, if we try to explore and employ logical scripts and for once try our hands at acceptable writings. Some shows successfull...
5 min read