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Presently, France is going through a period of pernicious political debate, remarkably since the decapitating of teacher Samuel Paty for sharing caric...
6 min read
China, the world’s most populous country, which is referred to as a superpower has been the source of many innovations, scientific discoveries, and in...
5 min read
A year after the proclamation of Coronavirus-induced lockdown, the phantom of the second wave has loomed. The ruinous second wave has sparked fury at ...
5 min read
Israel is inclined on spreading trumped-up stories about its own short settler colonial existence in order to cloak the reality on the ground. It is a...
5 min read
Globalization is a concatenation of powerful processes that provide both opportunities and menaces. Apparently, globalization seems to not only intens...
6 min read
The Sky is Everywhere is a breathtaking and highly astonishing piece of fiction written by Jandy Nelson. The novel basically deals with one of the har...
4 min read