The Fall of Constantinople: A new era of Italy Renaissance
Hiba Shaikh Ansari
taly and Byzantium had a prolonged and complicated history. Sicily and a large portion of Southern Italy were under the control of Byzantium. Therefore, Italian art and architecture have been greatly influenced by Byzantine culture. By 1453, the Byzantine Empire had divided up into three empires, which were just small statelets. One of them was Constantinople. The city was only a pale replica of its former splendor. By the 1450s, the Ottoman Empire had spread across Europe and was a powerful military state. The Ottomans had previously besieged Constantinople but were unable to breach its apparently impenetrable fortifications. Sultan Mehmet I was determined to conquer the city because it was a Christian territory in his empire, and he was concerned that it might be used as a base for an invasion. Despite the city’s perceived weakness, it was thought to be the best-defended city in all of Europe. Sultan Mehmet gathered a huge army of 60,000 men and massive cannons. The Byzantine Emperor was killed during the battle. By breaching the walls with their powerful cannons, the Ottomans swarmed into Constantinople. They abstained from killing commoners and nobles, preferring to hold them for ransom to return to their home states. After the conquest, Mehmet ensured a multicultural seat of power for a multicultural empire by repopulating the city with residents of various backgrounds and faiths and moving his capital from Edirne to Constantinople.
For Europe, the fall of Constantinople marked the end of an era. The Byzantine- fighting Italians succeeded in escaping the siege and bringing many Constantinople residents with them to Italy. Thousands of refugees fled to Italy and the rest of Europe after Constantinople and the remaining Byzantine territories fell. Grammarians, humanists, poets, writers, printers, lecturers, musicians, astronomers, architects, scribes, philosophers, scientists, politicians, and theologians were among the refugees. Manuscripts from the destroyed libraries of Constantinople and other Byzantine cities were also brought with them.
The study of rhetoric has been a focus of Italian humanists. They had little interest in hypothetical metaphysical scenarios. The first publication of Plato’s complete works, however, was to change this. The Athenian philosopher’s dialogues from the fifth century, brought in by the refugees, changed the minds of many humanists. A Neo-Platonist school of philosophy emerged in Florence as a result of Plato’s writings. Plato’s ideas were introduced, which caused a shift in emphasis from ethical to metaphysical speculations. Many claim that this changed people’s perceptions of the Greek and his ideas, and that it also influenced how the humanists thought about virtue and excellence. Many Italian thinkers endorsed the Aristotelian comprehension of virtue. They discovered that Aristotle placed a strong emphasis on the importance of empirical research and study, and that experimentation was required to determine the truth. Many Italian scholars were influenced by the Aristotelian emphasis on practical knowledge (praxis) to place more emphasis on observation and experimentation, which aided in the development of science in Italy.
For Italy, the fall of the Byzantine Empire was both a blessing and a curse. The Ottoman threat to Italy increased with the fall of the capital of the Byzantine world. The Italian states lived in the Ottomans’ shadow for a number of decades after Constantinople was taken. For Venice and Genoa, the fall of the Byzantine Empire was catastrophic. Both city-states declined as a result of lost trade and frequent Turkish attacks. On the contrary, a huge number of refugees from Constantinople sought refuge in the various Italian city-states, including many scholars. They brought with them the knowledge of the Classics of Antiquity and priceless manuscripts that aided in the understanding of philosophers and other authors, which ultimately led to the most infamous period of the Renaissance.
Hiba Shaikh Ansari is a student pursuing English Hons. from Jamia Millia Islamia.
Edited by: Moneera Aiman