The Jamia Review

The Foremost Of the Revolutionaries: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Syed Ilham Jafri

Syed Ilham Jafri



The world has seen a myriad set of individuals who had been a source of divine guidance and spiritual fulfilment for the masses, whom we call Prophets or Messengers. But there is none who has been as influential in History as the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH). This is not merely a claim on grounds of emotions or sentiments, rather it’s based on the iconic, notable change that Muhammad (PBUH) brought into the world within a very less time span as compared to any other. This is why Michael Hart, notable astrophysicist and author of the best-selling work, ‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History’ from America places Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the first rank.

Credits - Islam wiki

It is generally considered that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was merely a spiritual preceptor who lived in a desert, far from the urban practicality of life. This is just a pre-set falsified notion that has been promulgated through various platforms ranging from orientalists literature to movies, media, and the internet to hide the certitude that the revolution brought by Muhammad (PBUH) was not only spiritual, (indeed which had a significant place too) but also ideological, political and moral. He did not just leave his followers clueless about how to follow his teachings, but also presented a divine, well-formulated legislature and jurisprudence that appeases human intellect, logic as well as rationality.

The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH), was born in Arabia on April 22, 571 AD, and passed away on June 6, 6632. As he grew up, his personality became noticeable. He had such a generous, soft-hearted, and sweet-spoken personality that anyone who stood close to him for a while, started loving him. Noble hallmarks of tolerance, truth, courage, optimism, treating others with generosity, care, and many others were found in him at the perfect level. He was the epitome of perfect characteristics in a human, which is called a balanced personality in the terms of psychology. Daud bin Hussain, a renowned Hadith narrator says that the people of Arabia were generally heard to say that Muhammad bin Abdullah grew up young with the fact that he was the most virtuous, gentle, tolerant, righteous, truthful, honest of his people. He took care of his neighbors. He was far away from quarrels and avoided obscenity and abuse. This is why the people named him “Al-Amin” or “The Guardian of Possessions.” (Paighmbar-e-Inquilab: Molana Wahiduddin Khan)

Ancient Arabia was facing serious political issues. In the east of Arabia was Iran, where the powerful Sassanid Empire was established. In the north was the Roman or Byzantine Empire. Both these empires had made Arab geography the arena of their politics. The best fertile areas of Arabia were directly under their control. Iraq was occupied by the Iranians. Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon were part of the Roman Empire. Arabia, on the east and the west, was not protected from the invasions of the neighboring powers and empires. From the east, the Iranian fleets used to cross the Gulf of Oman and enter the Arabian region very easily, and then go west to the two countries on the other side. Egypt and Abyssinia were under the Roman Empire. And through them, it could at any time penetrate into this apparently safe part of Arabia. Arabs used to live under their traditional tribal system. The states of the tribal chiefs were established in the inner region of Arabia, but due to the general dominance of the Romans and Iranians, they accepted the subordination of these external empires and make their own political island. The Arabs generally were astray from reading, writing, and academic education and pursued traits of great bravery, dominated by ones who were in general barbaric, uncouth, and boorish, and continued their personal rivalries and fights for years.

These details explicitly show that when the Prophet of Islam was sent, the Arab region was a hunting ground for Iranians and Romans. Amid all these circumstances, Prophet Muhammad initiated the journey of his divine responsibility to spread the message of truth and show mankind the real path to success in this world and the hereafter. The Prophet miraculously brought up a change that has transformed the living style, standard of thinking, and actions of billions of people from his time till today.

Credits - Ancient Origin

Another very striking feature is to note the fact that according to historical records, a total of 1018 people were killed in the Islamic revolution that took place during the time of the Messenger of Allah(PBUH). This revolution took 23 years to emerge. The number of battles fought in these 23 years is said to be 81, out of which, the Prophet of Islam participated in just 27 himself. Among these too, the proper war took place only in a few. The total number of Muslim casualties overall in these battles is estimated to be 259 and on the other hand, Non-Muslim casualties were 759, which in total counts to be a loss of very few numbers of people than other considered revolutions in the world. This was one of the greatest revolution in the world which changed the course of human history. The number of victims in such a big revolution is so minor that it can be called a bloodless revolution. This was due to the very natural way of living that satisfies and appeases human nature on all levels. It was a revolution that firstly conquered minds and hearts and then lands because if it was not the case, how could it reach every corner of the world and be accepted by billions even today? The answer is, the purpose of Islam from day one is to establish equality, justice, and peace, which is the ultimate need for humans’ very existence in this world through the divine system given to humans by the Almighty Creator through Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (Source For Data: Paighmbar-e-Inquilab: Molana Wahiduddin Khan)

Syed Ilham Jafri is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia.

Edited by: Maria Aqdas

Syed Ilham Jafri

Syed Ilham Jafri

Syed Ilham Jafri is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia....

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