Butool Zehra is a student pursuing History from Jamia Millia Islamia.
The Freedom of Press has been one of the most sought-after modern civil rights since the 19th century. The role played by the press during the Struggl...
4 min read
With more than 3 lakh covid cases being reported for the third consecutive day on 24th April, the total number of active cases in India breached the 2...
4 min read
Today is 14th of April, birth anniversary of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, celebrated in India every year as Ambedkar Jayanti. The day is often cel...
5 min read
History has been treacherous. It certainly has made us learn great things but at the same time, it has made us unlearn events that should have been re...
5 min read
At a time when women are asked to return home before the sun sets, the idea of a woman ascetic wandering through the deserts seems something too far a...
4 min read