Ashna Arif is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia.
Dissociative Identity Disorder, also widely known as Multiple Personality Disorder or Split Personality, can be defined as a coping mechanism created ...
3 min read
Lawrence’s ‘Sons and Lovers’, though excessively called out for being obscene and even pornographic in its early days, is now believed to be one of th...
4 min read
The 16th-century Mughal emperor, Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar is profoundly known through various instances as being one curious soul. As per today’s ter...
4 min read
‘Consent’, a term widely used in the sexual context, is an even wider and broad subject, which exists in variations of dimensions in society. Consent ...
6 min read
Pop culture has been bombarding us with variations of cinematic tropes, and one of these well-known tropes is the ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’. The charac...
4 min read
In recent times, social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. It emerged as a medium of alternate income for some, and a platform to show...
5 min read
In the seventies, America had to witness one of its most notorious serial killers, Ted Bundy, who startled the world with his heinous crimes against y...
7 min read